Statue of man in underwear causes stir at Wellesley College - The Boston Globe

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A realistic-looking statue of a man sleepwalking in his underwear near the center of Wellesley College has created a stir among the women on campus, especially as more than 100 students at the all-women’s college signed a petition asking administrators to remove it.

Creepy naked sleepwalker statue causes protests at Boston's all-women Wellesley College, The Independent

Lifelike sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US college - National

Wellesley scantily-clad statue story goes viral - The Swellesley Report

Lifelike sculpture of man in underwear causes stir at US college - National

Underwear-clad statue creeping out Massachusetts college

Man-in-underwear statue at Mass. college causes stir

Massachusetts college man-in-undies sculpture causes stir

Jamaica Plain Historical Society - 'People' Editor

Campus Reform Despite protest, women's college refuses to remove realistic statue of man sleepwalking in his underwear