Height (cm) of Americans by race and gender. Source: NHANES III.

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The percentage of participants with each component of MetS: central

PDF) Weight, stature, and body mass index data for Mexican Americans from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III, 1988–1994)

Height (cm) and education of Americans. Source: NHANES III.

Adjusting for Pubertal Status Reduces Overweight and Obesity Prevalence in the United States - ScienceDirect

Frontiers Substantial but Misunderstood Human Sexual Dimorphism Results Mainly From Sexual Selection on Males and Natural Selection on Females

Environmental exposures are important risk factors for advanced liver fibrosis in African American adults - ScienceDirect

Mean FEV 1 versus height (2-cm increments) for youth and adult male

Height (cm) of Americans by race and gender. Source: NHANES III.

Cross-sectional analysis of racial differences in hydration and neighborhood deprivation in young adults - The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Body fat percentage - Wikipedia

Height (cm) of Americans by race and gender. Source: NHANES III.

Table 2 from Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Body Composition Reference Values from NHANES

GUCDD, Free Full-Text

Height of males (cm). Source: NHANES III and BGS'98.

Mean height (centimeters) by survey, sex, race/ethnicity, and age