How your underwear can increase your risk of nasty infection in

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WEARING a thong could increase your risk of thrush in the hot weather, doctors say. Tight underwear boosts the chances of yeast infections, which are already more likely when temperatures are high.…

Choosing the Right Underwear for Vaginal Health – Rejucream

Stuck in the middle: Do thong underwear make infections more likely?

This is exactly what will happen if you don't wash your underwear.

How Gross Is It to Wear the Same Underwear Two Days in a Row

Warning to millions with high blood pressure when taking naps over


4 amazing things that happen when you stop wearing underwear

My chest muscles ripped in half and rolled up to my neck after

Here's what may happen if you do not change your underwear enough - Times of India

Is it okay to wear the same underwear for two days? - Quora

Health - Diet, Fitness, Wellbeing & Mental Health News

Wearing a wet underwear for too long can do this to your vaginal health