Child and forced labour: Systemic forced labour and child labour has come to an end in Uzbek cotton

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Almost two million people are recruited every year for the annual cotton harvest in Uzbekistan. The country managed to accelerate the fight against child and forced labour during the 2020 cotton production cycle, according to a new ILO report.

Report highlights Uzbek forced labour issues

Forced and child labour: Uzbek cotton is free from systemic child

Forced and child labour: Activists welcome progress towards

World Bank funds linked to forced labour in Uzbekistan

Cotton production in Uzbekistan - Wikipedia

ILO reports important progress on child labour and forced labour

Uzbek Cotton Industry Greets End of 13-Year Global Boycott

Uzbekistan Cotton No Longer on DOL's Forced and Child Labor List

Historic end to state-imposed forced labor in Uzbekistan cotton

Jonas Astrup on LinkedIn: This graph demonstrates how Uzbekistan