Can anyone help identify where this shell casing is from

$ 12.50

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Hello everyone, Unfortunately an old army veteran passed away in our village recently, he was a colonel in the British army. His family are selling his house and are trying to get rid of his possessions, my father was the care taker of his house and so they asked him to take anything he wants, and the rest they will throw away. He brought this shell casing home, and since I was in the artillery, he was hoping I may be able to tell him what it was from, unfortunately I am unable to identify it

Shell casings, Making a Murderer Wikia

How can a bullet be traced to a particular gun?

Help identifying ammunition

How Good a Match is It? Putting Statistics into Forensic Firearms

Need help identifying a casing (Russian 76.2 x 386mm divisional gun) - General Ammunition Discussion - International Ammunition Association Web Forum

identification - Can anyone help identifying markings on this

Signature Science's FRISC Service Enables DNA recovery from Spent

Bullet casing engraving - Beyond the Manual - Glowforge Owners Forum

Can anyone help identify this shell casing? : r/Militariacollecting