Why is a Triangle a Strong Shape?

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Educational Resources: Triangles are very strong shapes which makes them important when building strong and stable structures

Strong Shapes - Science Museum of Minnesota

Triangle - Wikipedia

A Proposal to Revise Harvard University's Strategic Triangle

The Best Shape for Making Strong Structures, by Chris Hristov

Model Art Straw Bridge Project - Page 1

Triangles and Trigonometry

A Visual Vocabulary for Product Building – Product Logic

Building Week Part 2: Strong Shapes — All for the Boys

Triangles and Trigonometry

Bridges Over Troubled Water

Triangles are the strongest shape, Thinking about Geometry

Triangles are the strongest shape, Thinking about Geometry

Shape and Space CONSTRUCTION. STRONG TRIANGLES Triangles are very important. Shapes that are made from triangles are usually very strong. Many structures. - ppt download

History and Testing Shapes of Strength for Buildings - Activity

Triangles and Trigonometry