Disney Pulled That Offensive 'Moana' Costume. Here's Why It Matters.

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People shouldn't wear brown skin as a costume without understanding the experience of brown people.

Is it okay to dress up as Disney's Moana for Halloween if you're white? Here's one mom's take

Campus Reform 'Cultural appropriation is cultural genocide,' says Mo. school's costume workshop

Disney pulls Maui children's costume amid claims it is offensive, Moana

15 Most Offensive Halloween Costumes to Never Wear

Kids Halloween Costumes to Avoid

Is it OK for a white kid to dress up as Moana? And other cultural appropriation questions.

Moana: progressive paean to Polynesia – or another of Disney's cultural blunders?, Moana

How did Disney get Moana so right and Maui so wrong? - BBC News

Disney's New 'Moana' Halloween Costume Is Being Slammed As Racist