Dr Natalie Chaitan OBGYN Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) is any

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Dr Natalie Chaitan - OBGYN

Dr Natalie Chaitan - OBGYN - #irregularbleeding #spotting polyps Polyps can cause spotting or bleeding ng in between periods, and after sex, they can make periods heavier, longer and more painful #OBGYN #

Dr Natalie Chaitan - OBGYN

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is bleeding from the uterus that is longer than usual or that occurs at an irregular time. Bleeding may b

Dr Natalie Chaitan - OBGYN - There is a misconception that once a woman has had a caesarean section, she can no longer have a natural birth. #VBAC is vaginal birth after

cervicalcancer is NOT genetic, familial or hereditary It is caused by a virus #HPV that you get from having sex Cervical cancer can be p

Dr Natalie Chaitan - OBGYN

Dr Natalie Chaitan - OBGYN

Dr Natalie Chaitan - OBGYN - Patients have messaged and come in, concerned about their #retroverteduterus To allay fears, most times this is a genetic, benign variant of the way the womb