Outside creeps in- The Grown-Ups is a must see, outdoor theatre experience – Philadelphia RowHome Magazine's Blog

$ 20.00

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Brenda Hillegasphoto by John C. Hawthorne Gather around the campfire! This isn't a scary tale like the ones we told as kids as the flames surrounded us and our s'mores were melting away. But Nightdrive's The Grown-Ups is still an eerie story that will keep us up at night for many evenings to come. The…

Review: Grown Ups

Philadelphia Rowhome Magazine

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Philadelphia RowHome Magazine Winter 2021 by Philadelphia RowHome

Playing With Grown Ups' by Hannah Patterson at 59E59 - The New

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From fantastic views to fox urine: the joys and perils of outdoor

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Let's See: Outdoor Theater Is Welcome, but Sightlines Are Vital

From fantastic views to fox urine: the joys and perils of outdoor theatre