What Happens If You Don't Change Your Underwear Daily?

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Typically, there are two types of men in the world: the ones who wear underwear and the ones who don’t. The third category is a lesser-known, yet the one that exists prominently: men who wear underwear but do not change it! Some researches state that one in every five men do not change their underwear daily. Furthermore, it also says that some men do not change their underwear until it fails the ‘smell test’.  We know that it is tempting to give in to laziness and not change your underwear daily. Because at the end of the week, who likes to do a big load of laundry, right? If you admit guilty of this behavior, time to change, both your habit and underwear! Why? Because underwear hygiene is a thing and an undervalued one. Not obliging to it comes with consequences that are not-so-pleasant. Read more to know what happens when
Typically, there are two types of men in the world: the ones who wear underwear and the ones who don’t. The third category is a

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