J. Struct. Geol.: Microstructural and textural modification of

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PNAS: High 3He/4He in central Panama reveals a distal connection to the Galapagos plume – EarthByte

Sundaland – EarthByte

Deep Carbon Modelling and Visualisation Project – EarthByte

EOS: Shifts in Tectonic Plates Change Biodiversity – EarthByte

Publications – EarthByte

Welcome to Jianping Zhou – EarthByte

The efficiency of fractal techniques in geochemical anomaly delineation within BLEG and <180 μm stream sediments in Western Turkey – EarthByte

Evolution of stress and fault patterns in oblique rift systems: 3D numerical lithospheric-scale experiments from rift to breakup – EarthByte

Publications 2022 – EarthByte

Nature Geoscience – Long-term interaction between mid-ocean ridges and mantle plumes – EarthByte

EarthByte Seminar Series: Hojat Shirmard – EarthByte

Remote Sensing: A Comparative Study of Convolutional Neural Networks and Conventional Machine Learning Models for Lithological Mapping Using Remote Sensing Data – EarthByte

Bayesian geological and geophysical data fusion for the construction and uncertainty quantification of 3D geological models – EarthByte

Publications 2022 – EarthByte

Bayeslands: A Bayesian inference approach for parameter uncertainty quantification in Badlands – EarthByte