Freshwater and water security

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Shared Waters Facility: IUCN joins new partnership on transboundary water cooperation

Freshwater Conservationists Worldwide Implore Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Permanently Protect Europe's Last Wild Rivers


Water, Climate, and Biodiversity: Managing Connected Freshwater Ecosystems for Multiple Benefits - events

Extinction of freshwater species in Northern Africa: a double loss

Communities embrace a unique way of assessing river water quality

Freshwater Challenge: Mobilizing action to restore freshwater ecosystems - events

Strategic Adaptive Management - Guidelines for effective conservation of freshwater ecosystems

New taskforce launched to protect freshwater biodiversity through harmonized macroinvertebrate sampling

Emergency Recovery Plan could halt catastrophic collapse in world's freshwater biodiversity

Freshwater and water security

Youth and water security in Africa, clinches meaning in hindi

African freshwater species threatened - livelihoods at stake